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Ringed planet Mars?

perkiraan cincin planet Mars yang akan terbentuk

Planet Mars ringed ~ Do you know about the planet Saturn? Yep, the planet known as the ringed planet. He said this planet will have a friend you know. Who was it who will become his friend? The answer is the planet Mars.
Why Mars will be his friend? This is because the planet Mars is estimated by scientists a few years will have a ring. Where does it come from? The ring came from dust debris from one of the natural satellites of Mars, Phobos. Natural satellite will be expected to slowly crumble to dust. Currently, there's even a cloud of dust that surround Mars.
According to scientists, the dust that is small will usually swept away by the solar wind. Then dust with large size would be interested gravity of Mars.
Dust interested in is what is expected to form a ring. The dust from outer space and bits of Phobos that has begun to erode by lacing meteoroids. Actually, estimates that Mars will have rings like Saturn's been a long time coming. Only, this time the scientists have not been able to prove it.

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