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Benefits of Drinking Tea For Health Habits

 Tea is one beverage that has been well-known in the world. The tea is caffeinated, an infusion that is made by brewing the leaves, shoots, dried leaves or stems of the plant Camellia sinensis in hot water. Not unexpectedly, the tea turned out to have remarkable properties. What are the benefits of drinking tea. It's some of the properties that I can say:
Citing the results of a seminar organized by the Department of Health and Nutrition Experts Association of Indonesia on September 23, 1993 in Wisma Metropolitan II Jakarta, it turns out the "tea" is not a trifle, and when taken regularly and continuously very beneficial for health.
The results of scientific assessments of research by experts, "tea" is rich with a variety of content such as: Mineral (potassium (K), sodium (Na), Cu, Mn), inhibitors for enzymes, fiber, flavonoids, Fluor, Polyphenols, Caffeine, Vitamin K, a variety of alkaloids and acid Tanoat. The content has a very important role for health, among others:
  1. Decrease risks pressure blood high
·         The mineral content of potassium (K) more big of mineral Sodium (Na).
·         Tea containing Inhibitor for enzymes that stimulate pressure blood.
  1. Prevent or decrease risks disease heart
·         Fiber elements contained on tea capable lower content cholesterol in blood, so risks stoppage Wall artery by cholesterol which is trigger cause disease heart reduced.
·         Mineral Cu, Mn, and flavoid on tea capable push and bereave attack radical free to cause attack heart.
  1. Prevent or decrease risks cancer (pancreas, skin, stomach, liver, etc.)
·         presence Substance antimutagen on Tea (antioxidant, flavonoids) that prevent and push pertumbuahan cell cancer.
·         Cu, Mn, Antioxidants and Flavonoids ward attack radical free stimulant growth cell cancer.
  1. Maintain health tooth and prevent caries
·         Fluor levels and Polyphenols are quite high on tea constitute element important for health, preventing plaque and advocate activity bacterium cause caries.
  1. lower weight weight (Reducing diet)
·         contents high fiber on tea cause shelf substance nutrient with system digestion in body into more Briefly, consequently substance Successful nutrition absorbed body into more bit.
·         diuretics effect, so spending fluid be smooth.
  1. increase power bear body
·         Tea contain substance nutrients are antioxidant and substance Other nature antimutagen.
  1. disinfectants
·         especially in hamper and shut down bacterium cause caries teeth.
  1. Slowing the aging process
·         Antioxidant content causes age life cell body into more long and regeneration cell take place smoother. this could increase age hope life.
  1. Coping with stress
·         contents Caffeine enough high capable suppress stress or worry and increase ability working organ or muscles.
  1. Prevent prolonged bleeding result wound
·         Vitamin K is sufficient high on Tea functioning   in freezing blood capable prevent prolonged bleeding because wound.
  1. Control content sugar
·         Mineral Mn lot there on tea, plays as Co-enzyme in sugar metabolism, so that the manufacturing process energy smoothly.
  1. Treatment migraine or sick head
·         Various alkaloids contained on tea, can role in the treatment process migraine.
  1. Treatment diarrhea
·         fiber elements on tea capable absorb liquid, thus could be used for resolve diarrhea. in traditional already proven benefits (tea lumpy).
  1. Treatment of AIDS
·         suspected Acid Tanoat contained in tea hamper reaction with HIV RNA chemistry.
·         Substance Antioxidants contained in tea could increase power bear body.

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